Thursday, December 31, 2009

Poker Calculator Crutch? Joking right?

This is just nonsense from a stubborn player that probably loses money online. How long have you been using a math calculator in your life? When you need to do some quick calculations do you run for a pencil and paper or a calculator? If you are under 40 you probably used a calculator in your entire education starting from the point where you knew your times tables, right?

Does using a math calculator mean you do not know your times tables? I think not. It sure does speed things up though, serving up accurate information the instant you need it.

See my full response to Poker Calculator Crutch here.

in reference to:

"What I don't understand is why you would stay with the hand when you clearly didn't have the pot odds to do so?You tried to "represent" a ten (i.e., bluff) and it winds up biting you on the ass.Surely, you know that pot odds has to do with risk-reward, no?Yes, I'm all for a bit of bluffing, but this clearly was the time to attempt it -- especially with that backdoor flush on the board."
- YouTube - Poker Calculator Profiling (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Poker odds are CRITICAL

You can not underestimate the power of knowing odds in poker. Contrary to your statement, odds are a critical part of long term winning.

You are speaking of what pros who don't take odds into account? There aren't any because they wouldn't be pros if the didn't. Yes, profiling and other important factors come into play, but they only serve to define the odds of a given poker situation even more. Show me a professional poker player who doesn't know his odds, and I will show you fraud.

Learn poker odds and how to use them using my poker math lessons. It is the fundamental, underlying factor in ALL poker decisions.

in reference to: Poker Game Rules - Play to Win - Doyles Room Poker Sites (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Stolen article content.

This is a prime example of a lame blog trying to become legitimate but stealing article content without giving back reference credit to it`s writer - me!

All it takes is a link which doesn't hurt your page at all, but gives credit to the person who thought, wrote and submitted the article to the directories, for your fair use.

Please good people surfing, do not click on any link on this site, instead, follow this link below to the original content which may very likely suit your search queries much better.

Thank you, Marty Smith

in reference to: Poker Calculator News - Some big brains behind Poker Software | Cheap Calculator Discount Calculator (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Mike Matusow Plays Online at Full Tilt Poker

You can see him and his Full Tilt Avatar in action during this controversial cash game hand. Often highly charged and emotional at the table, Mike Matusow has often been accused of self-destructing as a poker player. His status in the poker world consistently leaves him just a few steps behind the elite players in winnings and respect.

in reference to: Mike Matusow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (view on Google Sidewiki)

Playing Poker on your Mac

As you can see there are just a few poker sites that are Mac compatible. I realize a lot of online players might now have the flexibility to have both systems in their home like I do, but there is a solution for Mac only users and that is Parallels. Which is a bridge program that lets you operate PC software on your Mac.

Here is a video I made playing poker on my Mac usin parallels.

in reference to: Mac Poker - Online Poker Rooms for Mac Users (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Calculatem Poker Calculator

It has several other major drawbacks you didn't mention, mostly in that it sweeps your computer screen for the information on the table. This prevent multi-tabling and multi-tasking because you have to leave the poker room full screen and NOTHING at covering any part of it, or else you get an error message from the software. Screen scraping is OLD technology and inhibits everything on your computer.

Also, don't forget that there are ZERO profiling features in Calculatem Pro, so it really just presents odds and you can actually get that FREE from tools on the internet. What you really need is profiling combined with odds display so you everything available to you in an instant.

See my full review of Calculatem Pro at and see why it only received 1 of 4 ACES.

in reference to:

"I have been testing Calculatem online poker odds calculator over the past few days now and my assessment is very positive, however let me first point out its weaknesses. Firstly the default settings are somewhat loose passive when one should rather be trying to play tight aggressive there are optional settings that you can fine tune and tweak the looseness or tightness of the advice given but so far I’m unable to find anything that I can change to make betting more aggressive, I for one certainly would not play every hand as advised by the tool – buts that’s just me, I like my fold equity and like to make raises instead of calls with decent hands otherwise I fold, that’s pretty much my only downside about this poker odds tool."
- Casino Gambling » Blog Archive » Calculatem Pro Review (view on Google Sidewiki)

Holdem Genius Review

I agree with your statement here, but IMHO it's a VERY important missing feature. That's because Holdem Genius is NOT an empirical poker calculator and does not have profiling capabilities. A lot of times your decision at a poker table will be more of a result from profiling than just basic odds, so you really do NEED both. You can see the full review of Holdem Genius at our review site here:

There are also many other reviews at the site where you can more clearly decide which is best for your poker game.

in reference to:

"The only problem I would have with this type of software is that it doesn’t count for the other player’s tendencies on the table.  If a player is being extremely active or extremely tight, Holdem Genius doesn’t adjust for human tendencies that occur on the table and the software will strictly play the hand you are dealt and this could cause players to miss opportunities at the table."
- Casino Gambling (view on Google Sidewiki)

Video Reviews of Poker Calculators

See the full review of Texas Calculatem on our video review site

Know the differences between all products and their features and find out why some are better than others.

Marty Smith
(Turtleknife @ Full Tilt Poker)

in reference to: Texas Calculatem Reviews | High Stakes Poker (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Videos and Tournament software.

That software is rather horrid really, and no help for tournaments. Try my poker tournament strategy videos at and then you can get a free trial of Tournament Indicator, a much better piece of software for online poker.

Best of luck anyway,


in reference to:

"thought I'm too good for that and I would never pay for some book or calculator. But after one more losing month, I decided to buy couple books (I won't name them here, sorry) and to buy Texas Hold'em Calculator. It didn't work on, so I started playing on Absolute poker. I would say the calculator stopped the bleeding. It gave me more insight on pot odds and stuff. But I still was total fish, since the calculator would say "you have the nuts" and I didn't even know wtf that meant. Even though calculator was a great tool and great investment, I didn't have patience to do exactly what it advised to do. I was way too aggressive for that thing..."
- LTUFlawless Poker (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Calculatem Pro Review

Read the full review of Calculatem Pro at my poker software review site
For 5 years we have been reviewing products like this using video as well as our 4 ACES ranking system. You can also get our free poker math and odds training right on site.

Marty Smith (Turtleknife)

in reference to: ATS Poker Blog (view on Google Sidewiki)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Poker Calculator Reviews

See my video reviews of these products and more at

We have a rating system called the 4 aces that helps you decide which product is best for you. There IS a big difference and it is important to know things like:

Annual costs
Customer service
Banned products
Profiling features
Multiple computer licenses
Functional reliability

If you have any general questions you can also use the contact page for more help on any poker calculator you may be considering.

in reference to: Poker Analyzer|poker tools for poker players (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Poker Strategy Videos

Really liked the video, all the videos, it's all good food for thought! Loving the TI as well! Great product! Especially like the new 3Bet,
Steal and CBet percentages! Great job, keep up the good work!!

For videos using Tournament Indicator sign up at

in reference to: Poker Odds Calculator - The Most Advanced Online Poker Tournament Calculator (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fantastic Videos

Mr. Smith,

These last two videos have been fantastic. I can't wait to use some of these tactics in my next tournament. I will be buying Tournament Indicator this week and as soon as I get some time off of work I plan to cash more often! Maybe I am a dork but your video's are also entertaining. I have told all my friends about this program and your lessons. A few of them have already signed up. Thanks again for your help.

Matt J

in reference to: | The Poker Tournament Strategy | Free Video Series (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Free Poker Videos

Hi Marty,

I'm enjoying your video series very much, thanks. I'm just a beginner and have been playing .01/.02 ring games on PokerStars and making all the mistakes beginners do (e.g., like not realizing when my Aces have been cracked).

I hadn't thought about playing tournaments before but your video series has got me very interested in the idea.

Thanks for the videos and keep up the good work!

Phillip Monk

Sign up for the free poker videos here:

in reference to: | Poker Odds Calculators and Software Reviews (view on Google Sidewiki)

Monday, October 05, 2009

Poker Edge review

Poker Odds and Math for Playing Online

The results of any hand in poker is determined by one or both of the fall of cards and the players. Now having the best hand surely helps, and if you play to the river - of course you win the pot. You can also bet tough enough to take your opponent off the superior hand, and that too will win you the pot.

Knowledge of odds and probability can turn a seemingly arbitrary event into long-term, numerical assurance. Understanding the positive or negative expectations to say the long-term profitability of the game and comprehend the fundamental game theory you can tell a lot about the expected reaction of opponents. A lot of new players think poker is just a game of chance. The top poker professionals will tell you that every player at every level has the equivalent prospect of getting certain cards as the next individual. The key is to be acquainted with the poker probability of poker hands and what to do next with those cards.

From a practical perspective, game theory is about strategic development. Using solid information about your opponents and their habits will also be profitable. In saying that, players who have always won are the players who will do so in the future. They are the minority who can convert the common knowledge available to every player at the table and convert it into consistent winning formulas.

The surest and quickest way to view poker probability is just by repeating the fundamental math first, then practicing tougher scenarios. There is always the option of a poker calculator for this too if you play online. You should at all times play with the odds in your favor because having to chase draws that you know are a long shot will only leave you disillusioned. Since the majority poker these days is all about NL Hold'em, then you must also appreciate of how much you can win or lose in just one pot. So, when risking your poker bankroll, knowing your adversaries in poker tournament strategy is gravely imperative.

After some constant practice, you'll know you're there when you can promptly examine a flop, count the outs and straight away interpret that to odds to complete and then contrast that to your pot odds. This should come instinctively. There are still other variables that this won't take into account, but at minimum you'll have a necessary appreciation of the circumstances you are facing.

Monday, August 03, 2009

bad beat poker video

There were a lot of great responses to the bad beat poker video and I did award the prize money on Sunday, all were collected. Here is a sampling of the comments:

oh what a truly spine shuddering reminder of how poker can so easily land a killer off-hand cock shot on you when you are leaning over the table to gather in your chips! Keep up the vids Marty

I think your comment says it all. "I am so Full Tilting right now." I noticed there is only two bad beats on Poker Stars and the rest is on Full Tilt. Stop Playing on that action driven site that rewards bad play, Point blank!! I have played on Fulltilt and Pokerstars and seen first hand the difference between the two. As far as your little Tournament indicator software, get rid of it. It's acting as more of a crutch rather than helping you out.

9h6h vs Jc Ks flop Jd 6s 6d turn 2h > 4.55%
AcAd vs AsKh > 6.92%
AhTc vs Ac6d > 23.68%
AhAd vs 6c5c flop Ts 3h 3d > 3.84% (ouch!)
QcQd vs 9c7c flop 7h2d3d > 16.77%
KsKd vs AsTh > 29.01%
3d3c vs AhTd flop 9d5h6h > 31.82% (bad beat???)
AsKh vs AdJd > 23.94%
AdAh vs 7c5d flop 3d7hTh > 19.09%
7s6s vs 5hQs flop Qh4h5c turn 8c > 9.09%
2h2d vs Jc9d flop 4h9c2c > 5.56%
AhJs vs AsTc > 23.52%
KcAs vs AdJh > 24.20%
QsQd vs KdQh vs KcQc > I am so full fucking tilting right now
Chances you'll laugh:100%!

However, due to the UNDER-USE of the 'F - Word', it is apparent you have a way to go before achieving 'Bad Beat Greatness'. Do not be disheartened by this. Another 10 to 20 years of self-exposure to this 'anomaly' should see you up there with the likes of Phil 'The Poker Brat' Hellmuth & Mike 'The Mouth' Matasow! Perseverence & Patience is 'Key'. Try adding the word 'Moron' to your Bad-Beat Vocubulary. This will help you greatly!

I would make the the winning comment but I have have my girlfriend write this for me , because I cant get off the floor laughing "Oh the song is brilliance" "how did he find my fav movie" He moans. "running into donks Shitting out Kryptonite all over him" as tears roll out of his eyes"as he is demonic hysterically laughing fits. What has this video done to my Boy Friend its been like this for 6 hours? Is he going to end up like Jack Nicholson at the end of the Movie? I think so!

Famous uses of the word "Fuck"
General Custer at Little Big Horn...what fucking Indians....
Tower lookout on the Titanic...what fucking Iceburg
Turtleknife on Full Tilt...what fucking backdoor flush

The pleasure of watching someone else in pain is made all the greater, since, for once, I'm not the guy wondering why the chips are headed towards the losing hand when clearly - CLEARLY - I had the winning hand, is the software malfunctioning...........HE HIT WHAT!??!?!?!?!?!?! Next step, open the hand history and relive the pain - alternatively post it on YouTube for all to share - ah, schadenfreude.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Taking a slice out of a new poker calculator.

I don't often get upset. Even when I am getting beat-blasted on Full Tilt Poker all night long, I am still able to take it with a grain of salt - at least after a few swear words slip from my mouth.

Today however, I am upset and it has nothing to do with winning or losing money. It has everything to do with unscrupulous marketers making outlandish claims about heir products, obviously trying to suck blood from down and out workers who are looking to the internet as a way to get their financial life back in order.

The Online Poker Analyzer is that product and the brunt of my disgust today.

These snake marketers hired actors to to record video testimonials of an empirical poker calculator that brings absolutely nothing new to the table in terms of features, while also having a locked down design so that users cannot even multi-table. Give me a break.

The copy writing on their page however is brilliant, but creativity with no boundaries on realistic claims isn't something a writer would be proud of either. In my mind this is despicable, pathetic marketing that is targeting new online poker players who find themselves looking to online poker as a way of replacing a lost job or income in extremely hard economic times. I reiterate this on my poker blog as well, but shame on Starlogic for marketing this way, rather than choosing to make a good product in the first place.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The value of SnG/MTT Tracker/HUDs Software

How do you learn to play poker? Read a lot of books, get advice, watch the good players and learn, and play a lot of hands. The last one should be on top of the list as nothing beats experience. Chess players become world champions by learning from the best but also from playing thousands upon thousands of games. It should not be any different in poker. Like an athlete, the more training you get the better you are overall.

But as you get serious with poker, how do you know if you are improving? How do you keep track of your winnings? How do you study the hands that you play to find faults in your game that you have to correct?

That is where I think the value of poker trackers come in. There are plenty of trackers down there, be it free, one time pay, or subscription based. If you’re a newbie and want to be able to analyze your game, analyze the game of your opponents and generally get a better picture of who you are up against and how you stack up, SnG and MTT trackers are great, and so are HUDs.

Tracking software is extremely useful for keeping track of all kinds of results in your games. You can find out a lot about your own play and your opponents' play. You can learn if you are a long term winning player at 5-10 NLHE to how much does player x defend against steals.

You can save your best hands, and your worst beatdowns and even get all your data sorted per hand, per hundred hands, and per thousand hands to see the trends in your game and then adjust if need be. I think with trackers now it’s a lot easier than it was ten years ago to get better at a quicker pace because you have all this information in front of you, ready to be analyzed and broken down.

For poker rankings, try TopShark, OPR and SharkScope. The first two are free, while the latter has a monthly fee. You should also take a look at Poker Tracker and Holdem Manager with Tournament Updater add-on for summaries. There’s also Poker Tracker 3.

HUDs are also very handy when doing MTT as they give you an overview of your opponents and you get to search for their history and tendencies online, but the best tool for tournament strategy is Tournament Indicator which is specifically designed for profiling in tournaments – which can be drastically different then ring games. I find that every little advantage helps. Overall, as a tool, it does not help you win games, but it helps you win games, so indirectly trackers and HUDs make your game better in the end.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hand Groupings in Poker Calculators

I was curious what all hand grouping schemes people used to rank and sort their hole cards and decide what to play. Please pick whichever of the following items you find the most relevant or use the most personally. I'm interested primarily in NL Holdem tournament and ring play.

Note: This is my first forum pool so hopefully it turns out correctly. If anyone has any suggestions, modifications, or expansions to the options let me know and I will make changes accordingly.

I have a sneaking suspicion that one of the problems this poll is going to face is that not enough people will know about modified sklansky groupings, let alone the difference from the original. .

There are other systems, but they all suck.

Then there is EV.... well, that all depends on who is playing the cards and what is the action before you and what are the stack sizes behind. Not really that much help.

I get the suspicion this poll is driven towards including the modified sklansky groups in TI as a user setting option. If that is the case, I would have thought that a better poll would be:

"Would you like Tournament Indicator to allow modified sklansky groups to be set as a user defined option?".

One vote for yes....

That was definitely the starting point for this question and poll. But I am also genuinely interested in whats being played and how much people use any / all of the various systems.

licked gut instinct but I need to clarify.

I have never ever used a hand ranking system ever in NL games. Yes I guess that I used Sun's Core set for FLNE, but that was for learning purposes.

In my own game, when learning NL SNG MTT etc, I never referred to any hand ranking systems. I think they are great to start off with for beginners, but after more and more and more experience, I find that I know what hands I can play EV+ from every position.

I probably haven't proved it through data samples and what not, but it is through experience that I know what hand is best played from where.

I clicked "other" because it is everything and nothing and I am always shifting and actually never thinking about hand grouping systems. I think about my opponent's range and that is the only thing that affects my range.
IMO hand groupings are important when you learn to game but once that is accomplished and you have a fair bit of experience they become completely unimportant.

What I meant by a modified Sklansky Grouping is that since Sklansky is far and away the most popular and most published hand grouping scheme but at the same time has limited scope as to the situations it was meant to cover and is applicable in, I have seen dozens of altered or rearranged Sklansky hand groupings (for example the one done by CMU, see link below, or any of the variations made from it) I figured that selection would cover any of the people that use a grouping system that closely resembles but is not the sklansky groupings.

Also I know that with time and experience any player will start to rely less and less on a formalized grouping system (whether that comes putting greater weight on intuition and other factors and/or unconsciously memorizing the groupings you started with), but I am one that thanks having a good core set similar to what Sun referenced is a good resource was curious what the rest of you thought and what's systems you started with and were currently bringing to bear in your table play. Thanks again for all the information and responses.

I chose other:
Mostly I use a combination of all the above. I originally used a printed chart for Sklansky, Modified Sklansky and MIT plus another chart I forget which now.

Then I used "my own" that was based on opponent VP and his range as to whether I call/raise/fold.

Then I switched to Tournament Indicator groupings.

Now, it's mostly ingrained my range and it changes based on the situation at hand. I may have A-rag suited oop middle and either raise/call/fold dependent on all the other factors in that given situation. There is always a base root to start with, solid abc. Top 10 hands early rounds, then adjust from there.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

HUD explanation in poker software.

I've seen a few people talk about a "HUD" and I've seen on some of the videos the display that appears besides the players name showing specific player stats. So with that said here's a few questions:

1) I'm assuming HUD stands for "Head's Up Display".. Correct? What program provides the HUD?

2) Is said program free? And where can I get it?

3) Where can I go to learn what the stats mean? I know the jist of a a few, but would need to learn how to interpret and incorporate into my game.

4) Is it worth it at the microstakes?

5) Which pokersites is it compatible with? UB, FT, PS?

That's all I have for now, but I might come up with a few more. Thanks for the help.

The most common HuD is PokerAce HuD, this works in conjunction with PokerTracker(an amazing tool that keeps tracks of all your hands and lets you discover leaks etc)

PokerTracker is $55
Poker Ace HuD is $25

Pretty sure both of em have a free limited trial. HuD is 30days and only shows one table.

Both are compatible with most sites. Depends on the stakes and how serious you are about winning and learning to be better. Sometime think HuDs turn you into more of a robot and ruin reads on players, but truthfully at lower stakes you do want to play more tables. Higher stakes you will play less tables(usually) and get more reads etc.

PokerTracker is amazing tho and if you have the money and want to improve your game I would say start there, and then use the trial of poker aces HuD and see if you like that.

I use Poker Tracker currently, and will be buying pokeraces when I move up a bit and withdraw a little for it.

I figured that it was in conjuction with PokerTracker. And I currently have the freetrial right now. I believe it lets me import 1000 hands or something like that. I haven't really tinkered with it yet, but I will soon.

Anything on where I can go to read up on the terms used for the statistics? Such as VPIP, AF, or some other things I've seen?

EDIT: Oh and not just what each term means, but how to interpret it and use it to make better plays.

RealTime HUD is another free one, it makes its own database from the hand histories so you don't need PokerTracker. As of december it isn't being developed anymore, since the author has joined forces with HoldemManager to make the HUD part of HM. The program isn't finished yet so you can download a free beta version.

If I were you I'd go with one of those for the time being. In a few months there's going to be at least three new poker managing apps out (HM, PokerTracker 3, and one from the guy behind PokerEV), so might as well use a free one until then.

theres one called tournament indicator for SnG/MTT players... free 48 hr trial, but you have to deposit at one of their affiliated sites to unlock it, looks pretty good so far. Costs 8.95 in addition to making a deposit at a poker site ( all the big ones are included) AND play 900 hands at the site before it gets unlocked. Kind of a pain, but may be worth it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Making long term poker odds calculations.

Profitability in poker depends on consistent and repetitive quality decisions. Often times, when in a hand that requires intricate odds calculations, you have to look at each individual situation in the long term perspective. That means taking a particular hand into account and stretching that exact situation into hundreds, even thousands of hands.

Professional players who rely on making money day-in and day-out understand this concept implicitly, and it used that knowledge to either get out of the hand or stay in it, sometimes right to the end. As a side benefit, this type of long-term odds knowledge is an excellent tool to avoid tilt, while keeping cool as weaker players make incredible suck outs or win despite poor odds.

What kind of odds do you have to understand in order to comprehend long-term odds profitability? Well, I'm not just referring here to win odds, nor just to pot odds, but there are other factors, which you can consider odds scenarios as well. For instance, what are the odds of my opponent calling his whole stack off if I make might not draw? How about this - what are the odds of one of the players behind me re-raising my call? What are the odds that they will re-raise all in? What are the odds if my opponent simply bet a draw, or bet on a hand with nothing at all?

As you can see, there are long-term odds that are rather simple to calculate, and there are long-term odds that can only be calculated in a theoretical sense. Those theoretical odds calculations can take years to become reasonably proficient at deciphering. If that's not concerning enough to you, then consider these types of theoretical poker odds decisions being made in a matter of seconds, facing some serious aggression from your opponents - for real money. If you have ever been in a no limit cash came lately, these types of scenarios are not just common, but expected.

One of the ways you can help yourself in understanding some of these long term odds scenarios, is to be using a poker calculator when playing online. When you can keep tabs on your opponent as to profiling factors such as aggression factor, went to showdown winning percentage, voluntarily putting money into the pot, and stack size, you are much more likely to be able to put together the whole story of what is really going on, and make informed - and usually profitable decisions.

What all poker players can agree on is that the more information you have about your opponents, the more likely you are to make the correct plays against them. As popular as poker calculators are these days, the majority of players still do not use them. If you multitable or multitask, you simply cannot outperform the tracking abilities of the poker calculator and you are not a winning all the pots you could be.