Thursday, December 31, 2009

Poker Calculator Crutch? Joking right?

This is just nonsense from a stubborn player that probably loses money online. How long have you been using a math calculator in your life? When you need to do some quick calculations do you run for a pencil and paper or a calculator? If you are under 40 you probably used a calculator in your entire education starting from the point where you knew your times tables, right?

Does using a math calculator mean you do not know your times tables? I think not. It sure does speed things up though, serving up accurate information the instant you need it.

See my full response to Poker Calculator Crutch here.

in reference to:

"What I don't understand is why you would stay with the hand when you clearly didn't have the pot odds to do so?You tried to "represent" a ten (i.e., bluff) and it winds up biting you on the ass.Surely, you know that pot odds has to do with risk-reward, no?Yes, I'm all for a bit of bluffing, but this clearly was the time to attempt it -- especially with that backdoor flush on the board."
- YouTube - Poker Calculator Profiling (view on Google Sidewiki)

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