Thursday, February 14, 2008

The AF Indicator in Poker Calculators

Experienced players often have an aggression factor between 1.5 and 5.0. Holdem Indicator poker calculator shows this as one of the standard barometers. They are the ones who play a lot of small ball poker, but like to take the lead in betting. They are cunning players, and usually will fold if you are willing to take over the betting and make the pot too huge for them to justify playing a marginal hand.

Extra care must be taken though, as they may in fact be waiting for you to so just that. It's called the trap, and the trap usually involves a big pot when they are a clear favorite. It has a lot to do with toying with someones emotions and inexperience in the game.

These players can actually plan out a sequence of events whereby you will be a victim of their more experienced tactics. Keep in mind too that the AF is a contributing indicator to the overall profile of an opponent, so take that into consideration too, as well as .. maybe the guy just having a good run of cards!

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