Saturday, June 21, 2008

Monitoring balance and streak indicators to find a player on tilt.

I'm doing another sit and go demonstration here with tournament indicator, but I wanted to focus on a couple of key indicators in the poker calculator software program, which I don't talk about often enough and that is the balance and street features and those in those two features together can help in determining when a player is on tilt and basically that.

And found that even though she is a solid player. She was on tilt. So that's rather significant, given some of the plays that followed in the tournament where I notice that given her statistical record on SharkScope her record wasn't consistent.

In other words, the styles didn't match as you see in the video. After only 16 hands TI has labeled her gambler. And that's generally not a style of play that wins you as many single tournaments that she has one especially for the early stages. You can see the VPIP here is 38% pre-flop raising 25% aggression factor is infinite - that means she bets out at the flop. Every single time she's in a hand. However, the balance and streak features, well I just wanted to focus on those because they show how many because for instance, if you take the balance indicator that shows how many chips that you and your opponents have lost or gained over the last 10 hands. Now, it's only 10 hands because now although you can just now, although you can adjust the range of hands that you want the balance streak to monitor.

I like to keep it at 10 hands because, really in tournaments, this goes to the premise of knowing what your opponent is feeling at that particular time and place as you know, lying and anti-structures of the tournament and payouts can have a huge effect on the way a player place, because emotions often get in the way. So keeping an eye on the balance indicator may help you make a decision when you are in a confrontational hand with that player, in spite of pot odds that may not normal be considered favorable. In this video you will see an exact example of what I am suggesting.

You can easily envision it yourself. The kind of frustration when you might've been in eight or 10 hands in a row and you just can't do anything you know, you just feel like you're burning chips and that gets frustrating. No doubt about it. My pot odds really dictate that I should fold this, but I'm NOT going to fold it against his player. She's on tilt on SharkScope, and I've been watching her stats here in this tournament - and she's on tilt here, right now. Balance indicates so, streak indicates so, player profiling indicates so, VPIP indicates so, pre-flop or raising indicates that as well. Her aggression factor is infinite so her betting is out of control too.

I call with what is normally a dominated hand, but I am sure I am ahead and my risk is rather limited since I have her way out-stacked too.

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