Friday, February 29, 2008

Qualifying for your free poker calculator.

As you know, to get a free poker calculator you need to create a new poker account and play a qualified number of hands. Here is how a new owner of Tournament Indicator got it free when signing up to a poker site:

"Okay, I made the promises I had made to myself come true, bought a notebook and got rid of my old Win 98 PC. Then I bought TI and had to play 900 flops on everest poker. I played 10 $0.04 sit and go tournaments at once and called every hand to see a flop. It took me 1 hour and a half to accumulate the hands! (I will play some big multi table tournaments there soon, but today I only wanted to to get the hands to be able to play with TI on stars!
I am pretty sure TI will improve my game as I already know the product and its features from the free trial, of course."

I though that was pretty clever! He actually went on to say he finished second in a couple of those tournaments!

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