Friday, February 22, 2008

Poker calculator stats may indicate a weakness.

Tournament Stats too tight? This is from a member of our forum.

78% Ranking at
17/88 = 19% ITM
-4% ROI
5.7% final tables

More than 90% of those tournaments were 180 player $4 S&Gs on PS.

I am not particularly unhappy with these poker calculator statistics, as I am still learning. But I am finding that with maybe 1 exception, I have been in the red or low orange when getting near the money. I just simply have to double up 2-3 times every time I get NTM. Is it just something that I have to live with, that if I play the kind of game that gets me NTM, that I will usually be short-stacked? Or I wonder if I am missing opportunities to chip up. I noticed that I was more conservative than Marty in some of the examples in the videos during the earlier stages. Is that the problem? I am looking for ways to chip up earlier and not always be hanging on by my fingernails when I get NTM.

My current history stats from Tournament Indicator are (about 75 tournaments including STTs):

VP$IP 16
PFR% 12
AF 2.6
WSD% 6
WSDW% 54

Thanks for any help/comments

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