Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Taking a slice out of a new poker calculator.

I don't often get upset. Even when I am getting beat-blasted on Full Tilt Poker all night long, I am still able to take it with a grain of salt - at least after a few swear words slip from my mouth.

Today however, I am upset and it has nothing to do with winning or losing money. It has everything to do with unscrupulous marketers making outlandish claims about heir products, obviously trying to suck blood from down and out workers who are looking to the internet as a way to get their financial life back in order.

The Online Poker Analyzer is that product and the brunt of my disgust today.

These snake marketers hired actors to to record video testimonials of an empirical poker calculator that brings absolutely nothing new to the table in terms of features, while also having a locked down design so that users cannot even multi-table. Give me a break.

The copy writing on their page however is brilliant, but creativity with no boundaries on realistic claims isn't something a writer would be proud of either. In my mind this is despicable, pathetic marketing that is targeting new online poker players who find themselves looking to online poker as a way of replacing a lost job or income in extremely hard economic times. I reiterate this on my poker blog as well, but shame on Starlogic for marketing this way, rather than choosing to make a good product in the first place.

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