Friday, May 14, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
7 card Stud video tutorials
If you are interested in this product but feel you might need some training as to how to play 7 card stud, no worries because I got that covered too. provides is here you can sign up for free 7 card stud poker training. The first video is over 12 minute long and is sen immediately after you sign up.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Joomla sitemap creation.
This sitemap is created with a Joomla! extension. It also auto-updates every time I post a new blog entry, and then categorizes it as well.
This site is about poker software reviews and was offline for 6 days due to the paint-ball accident at Westhost.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tournament Indicator Poker Software
Glad you were able to use the information I provided you for this article Steve. Clearly though with your experience with Poker Edge, did you really have to ask?
Here is some additional information for your readers - I have posted one of profiling videos using Tournament Indicator.
And here is the full review of Tournament Indicator
The iPad and Online Poker
This would have been a great tool for online poker, but only in the casual sense. Playing a game while, basically doing something else.
There are however some real limitations to this being a possibility including hardware, internet connections, the iPad OS, and of course the lack of multi-tasking.
Oh well. Just have to get that Mac-Book I have been thinking about.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Magic Hold'em Malarkey
I now see these guys making claims of selling more than 200,000 units in their first year of operations, which would be nearly 300% of the entire market share for that period.
These claims are for a product that brought nothing new for the user, and in fact is based on out-dated screen-scraping technology. The only people buying that type of software are severely uninformed and a sliver of the market share.
Products like Magic Hold'em feel they need to exaggerate their claims to make up for what is clearly an inferior poker calculator. It further cements the designers/marketers reputation as snake-oil salespeople.
Please read my full review of Magic Holdem at and see some much better products that you can use to really improve your game. We use a 4 ACES rating system and all product are used by the reviewer.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Poker-Edge Still at Odds with Poker Stars
This article was writtern be me several years ago, and I now find it here, stolen with no author credit or link back to my website. For more information on Poker0Edge and other Poker Calculator Software, please visit my review site at:
Thank you.
"Recently, the designers edge of poker, has announced that their tracking software issue with the same name now has support for the tournament included. This means that when a player on your database, to play in a tournament that data can be analyzed separately, as the tournaments, the statistics should be."
- Poker Calculator Wars Part 3 – Edge vs. Poker Tournament Indicator | Calculators (view on Google Sidewiki)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Rush Poker
An exciting new cash game structure at full Tilt Poker allows for playing way more hands per hour because of some intense programming that allows you to be moved from table to table as soon as you fold your hand. See the full review at