Thursday, December 31, 2009

Poker Calculator Crutch? Joking right?

This is just nonsense from a stubborn player that probably loses money online. How long have you been using a math calculator in your life? When you need to do some quick calculations do you run for a pencil and paper or a calculator? If you are under 40 you probably used a calculator in your entire education starting from the point where you knew your times tables, right?

Does using a math calculator mean you do not know your times tables? I think not. It sure does speed things up though, serving up accurate information the instant you need it.

See my full response to Poker Calculator Crutch here.

in reference to:

"What I don't understand is why you would stay with the hand when you clearly didn't have the pot odds to do so?You tried to "represent" a ten (i.e., bluff) and it winds up biting you on the ass.Surely, you know that pot odds has to do with risk-reward, no?Yes, I'm all for a bit of bluffing, but this clearly was the time to attempt it -- especially with that backdoor flush on the board."
- YouTube - Poker Calculator Profiling (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Poker odds are CRITICAL

You can not underestimate the power of knowing odds in poker. Contrary to your statement, odds are a critical part of long term winning.

You are speaking of what pros who don't take odds into account? There aren't any because they wouldn't be pros if the didn't. Yes, profiling and other important factors come into play, but they only serve to define the odds of a given poker situation even more. Show me a professional poker player who doesn't know his odds, and I will show you fraud.

Learn poker odds and how to use them using my poker math lessons. It is the fundamental, underlying factor in ALL poker decisions.

in reference to: Poker Game Rules - Play to Win - Doyles Room Poker Sites (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Stolen article content.

This is a prime example of a lame blog trying to become legitimate but stealing article content without giving back reference credit to it`s writer - me!

All it takes is a link which doesn't hurt your page at all, but gives credit to the person who thought, wrote and submitted the article to the directories, for your fair use.

Please good people surfing, do not click on any link on this site, instead, follow this link below to the original content which may very likely suit your search queries much better.

Thank you, Marty Smith

in reference to: Poker Calculator News - Some big brains behind Poker Software | Cheap Calculator Discount Calculator (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Mike Matusow Plays Online at Full Tilt Poker

You can see him and his Full Tilt Avatar in action during this controversial cash game hand. Often highly charged and emotional at the table, Mike Matusow has often been accused of self-destructing as a poker player. His status in the poker world consistently leaves him just a few steps behind the elite players in winnings and respect.

in reference to: Mike Matusow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (view on Google Sidewiki)

Playing Poker on your Mac

As you can see there are just a few poker sites that are Mac compatible. I realize a lot of online players might now have the flexibility to have both systems in their home like I do, but there is a solution for Mac only users and that is Parallels. Which is a bridge program that lets you operate PC software on your Mac.

Here is a video I made playing poker on my Mac usin parallels.

in reference to: Mac Poker - Online Poker Rooms for Mac Users (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Calculatem Poker Calculator

It has several other major drawbacks you didn't mention, mostly in that it sweeps your computer screen for the information on the table. This prevent multi-tabling and multi-tasking because you have to leave the poker room full screen and NOTHING at covering any part of it, or else you get an error message from the software. Screen scraping is OLD technology and inhibits everything on your computer.

Also, don't forget that there are ZERO profiling features in Calculatem Pro, so it really just presents odds and you can actually get that FREE from tools on the internet. What you really need is profiling combined with odds display so you everything available to you in an instant.

See my full review of Calculatem Pro at and see why it only received 1 of 4 ACES.

in reference to:

"I have been testing Calculatem online poker odds calculator over the past few days now and my assessment is very positive, however let me first point out its weaknesses. Firstly the default settings are somewhat loose passive when one should rather be trying to play tight aggressive there are optional settings that you can fine tune and tweak the looseness or tightness of the advice given but so far I’m unable to find anything that I can change to make betting more aggressive, I for one certainly would not play every hand as advised by the tool – buts that’s just me, I like my fold equity and like to make raises instead of calls with decent hands otherwise I fold, that’s pretty much my only downside about this poker odds tool."
- Casino Gambling » Blog Archive » Calculatem Pro Review (view on Google Sidewiki)

Holdem Genius Review

I agree with your statement here, but IMHO it's a VERY important missing feature. That's because Holdem Genius is NOT an empirical poker calculator and does not have profiling capabilities. A lot of times your decision at a poker table will be more of a result from profiling than just basic odds, so you really do NEED both. You can see the full review of Holdem Genius at our review site here:

There are also many other reviews at the site where you can more clearly decide which is best for your poker game.

in reference to:

"The only problem I would have with this type of software is that it doesn’t count for the other player’s tendencies on the table.  If a player is being extremely active or extremely tight, Holdem Genius doesn’t adjust for human tendencies that occur on the table and the software will strictly play the hand you are dealt and this could cause players to miss opportunities at the table."
- Casino Gambling (view on Google Sidewiki)

Video Reviews of Poker Calculators

See the full review of Texas Calculatem on our video review site

Know the differences between all products and their features and find out why some are better than others.

Marty Smith
(Turtleknife @ Full Tilt Poker)

in reference to: Texas Calculatem Reviews | High Stakes Poker (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Videos and Tournament software.

That software is rather horrid really, and no help for tournaments. Try my poker tournament strategy videos at and then you can get a free trial of Tournament Indicator, a much better piece of software for online poker.

Best of luck anyway,


in reference to:

"thought I'm too good for that and I would never pay for some book or calculator. But after one more losing month, I decided to buy couple books (I won't name them here, sorry) and to buy Texas Hold'em Calculator. It didn't work on, so I started playing on Absolute poker. I would say the calculator stopped the bleeding. It gave me more insight on pot odds and stuff. But I still was total fish, since the calculator would say "you have the nuts" and I didn't even know wtf that meant. Even though calculator was a great tool and great investment, I didn't have patience to do exactly what it advised to do. I was way too aggressive for that thing..."
- LTUFlawless Poker (view on Google Sidewiki)